Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten-Free Diet

Helpful tips if you have Celiac Disease

Your diet can be modified if you are diagnosed with celiac disease or have some type of gluten intolerance.

Don’t be scared if you don’t know what to do in terms of food. You can use these tips (that can help you very much).

Celiac disease affects many people. It’s a small intestine inflammation that damages its entire lining. The symptoms are flatulence, allergies, bad digestions, intolerances to products that may not contain gluten. Still, they can also present more severe symptoms: the poor absorption of vitamins and minerals, which may have long-term consequences in the body.

Having abused gluten, sugar and other refined carbohydrates for years, a diet deficient in vegetables and a stressful way of life may have caused this autoimmune disease. We can improve the condition of our intestine, with natural and anti-inflammatory products.

The truth is that a few years ago it was a problem for people who suffered from it, the products suitable for coeliacs questions mentioned before.

Absorption of Nutrients

The lack of absorption is due to intestinal inflammation, whose symptoms can occur in several ways:

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: abdominal pain, distension, indigestion, lack of appetite, nausea. According to several recent studies, it seems that people who have celiac disease, nowadays don’t have such manifest symptoms, often don’t even know that they suffer from it and need more specific studies to discover it.
  • Symptoms that come from poor intestinal absorption: depression, fatigue, hair loss and brittle nails and more.

The first thing we have to do is obvious, don’t eat products that contain gluten. Not even in small quantities. Besides that, our diet should consist of foods that reduce inflammation.

In these cases, protecting the intestinal mucose is essential, with foods with that contain more collagen, green leaves like kale, mucilaginous seeds like fenugreek, tisanes like pau d’arco for example.

gluten-free diet

Chewing well should be basic and also is Good to choose a sport that we like and doesn’t stress us even more.

Typically, apart from redirecting our way of life and our way of feeding ourselves, the celiac disease requires supplementation: iron and calcium supplements, B vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid.

Gluten-Free Cereals

When you go to the shop, when buying, you must first check the labelling of the products to see if they contain gluten or not. Gluten can be “hidden” or contain traces:

  • Appetizers such as nuts, chips, sweet snacks.
  • Soy sauce: the shoyu contains gluten because this type of soy sauce contains wheat. I recommend you use tamari, but reading the product label in any case.
  • Some soy yoghurts, vegan cheeses also may contain gluten.
  • Sweets like candies that even have little sweetener, they can be coated with a thin layer of flour with gluten.
  • Cacao and cereal coffees

It is essential to incorporate gluten-free, good quality non-refined cereals into our diet. Gluten-free grains are rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, teff, corn and amaranth.

gluten-free diet

We have to know that making flour preparations without gluten requires special care when preparing the doughs. I propose a straightforward recipe that can help you always have at hand some bread for breakfast, bases for bruschettas etc.


Gluten-Free Poppy Seed Buns

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